Savannah S.
3 min readApr 13, 2022

I recently heard some folks chatting about leftist and rightist groups as terror organizations. Both sides of the political aisle have strong ideologically & politically beliefs. Additionally, there are many politicians and law enforcement with viewpoints that may align with anyone of those extreme groups. And of course, their view may align, they’re human too.

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

It is okay that most humans may not agree with or believe in another person’s point of view. It is possible at times, for another point of view to be expressed without condemnation. However, hate speech and hate crimes should never be tolerated as a society (there’s my two cents, keep the change for gas.).

The political divide is getting larger as time passes. Boomers and millennials argue about the student loan forgiveness, tax breaks and other 2021 government monies provided. The left and right political leaders, political influencers (the dark money, businesses, and donation folks) publicly argue about every policy decision. It is all riddled with insults about who voted for whom, who’s the worse leader and traveling back in time (olden day polices). After reading other articles and the lengthy comments; not a one person tries to solve the topic related. It is a variety of complaints and name calling. Grade school chatting for adults. Uh Oh, I better watch it! I feel an over opinionated childish rant and insults coming on. Must fight the urge, joking.

Do you remember when adults would debate like the matters before them were serious. And those matters involved ALL people of these United States? I do. They were mostly old farts droning on with limited ideas, additionally stuck in an old pattern of doing politics and debating. It was boring, but worth listening to. These days its lasers at the moon, awful racial stuff, specialized groups, cults and other weirdness. I too am a fuddy dud. But coherent conversations and a debate with facts is not too much to ask.

A wise woman once told me, “Hurt people hurt people.” — (“Guest Column: Carelessness toward others can impact them — Albert Lea”)

But the wise woman borrowed a phrase. Just as well, it’s a phrase that makes you think twice before casually throwing insults.

Instead, hurt people should learn people. Learning the needs and addressing the needs with empathy and compassion.

Not every person with an opinion is wrong. And just because you have an opinion, it doesn’t make it right.

We should remember there are plenty of wars going on outside of the United States. If we cannot unite, the most fearful thought would be a nation divided and conquered.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels



Savannah S.

Writer of my experiences with family, love affairs, an open-minded view on today’s social issues, mental and physical health. Learning and Growing ❤